序号 | 捐赠人 | 题名 | 册数 | 捐赠时间 |
1 | 孟涛 | Representation Theory:A First Course | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
2 | 孟涛 | 数理逻辑:证明及其限度 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
3 | 孟涛 | Finite Geometries | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
4 | 孟涛 | Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
5 | 孟涛 | Lectures on the Geometry of Numbers | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
6 | 孟涛 | Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
7 | 孟涛 | The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
8 | 孟涛 | Elliptic Curves | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
9 | 孟涛 | Elliptic Functions According to Eisenstein and Kronecker | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
10 | 孟涛 | Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups Vol.1 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
11 | 孟涛 | Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups Vol.2 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
12 | 孟涛 | Spin Geometry | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
13 | 孟涛 | Introductory Combinatorics | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
14 | 孟涛 | 近世代数概论 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
15 | 孟涛 | Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
16 | 孟涛 | 数论 I -- Fermat的梦想和类域论 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
17 | 孟涛 | 数论 II -- 岩泽理论和自守形式 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
18 | 孟涛 | Introduction to Graph Theory,Second Edition | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
19 | 孟涛 | Basic Number Theory | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
20 | 孟涛 | A Coerse of Moderm Analysis | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
21 | 孟涛 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
22 | 孟涛 | Introduction to the Galois Correspondence | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
23 | 孟涛 | 黎曼-芬斯勒几何基础 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
24 | 孟涛 | Linear Algebra | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
25 | 孟涛 | Galois Theory | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
26 | 孟涛 | Measure Theroy | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
27 | 孟涛 | Class Field Theory | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
28 | 孟涛 | Field and Galois Theory | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
29 | 孟涛 | An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
30 | 孟涛 | 代数数论导引(第二版) | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
31 | 孟涛 | A Course in Arithmetic | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
32 | 孟涛 | 群表示论 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
33 | 孟涛 | 典型群引论 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
34 | 孟涛 | 多复分析与复流形引论 | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
35 | 孟涛 | Matrix Analysis | 1 | 2019/3/20 14:21:27 |
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